News and Updates

New release for March 2025: Maradia’s Robot Emporium

17 years ago, I wrote my first story about Maradia and the robots she built on Crossroads station. In the years that followed, I wrote many stories about her, some of which were published in Analog, Daily Science Fiction, and other magazines.

In my upcoming collection, Maradia’s Robot Emporium, you can find all these stories along with 10 brand new stories! This is my answer to Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, to Johnny 5 from Short Circuit, to D.A.R.Y.L., and so many other works of fiction that explored the limits of humanity through the lens of artificial life.

I hope you love reading this book, and I hope you come to love Maradia and her many robots as much as I do!

Preorder from Kindle, Smashwords, and other ebook retailers! (Paperbacks coming soon…)

New for January 2025: Discovery of the Wanderlust

Ready for even more more Tri-Galactic Trek adventures? You’re in luck! On January 2, 2025, Discovery of the Wanderlust was released! This is the second book in the Saga of the Wanderlust series, and the sequel to the novel, “Voyage of the Wanderlust.”

This is a fun adventure centering on T’lia Diaz as she struggles to figure out her place among the blended crew, and to distinguish between friend and foe… check it out! Order today from Kindle and other retailers!

Cover of the book "Hot Chocolate for the Unicorn" by Mary E. Lowd

New for December 2024: Hot Chocolate for the Unicorn!

I have another collection out on December 1, 2024! 44 fantasy stories, some whimsical and others with a touch of darkness…

This is the book I’ve worked on for the longest — there are stories in here that I started writing over 20 years ago, and stories that I finished this fall.

Order it for Kindle, Smashwords, or from other ebook stores!

Cover the book "Collie Commander: Chronicles of Tri-Galactic Trek" by Mary E. Lowd.

New Pair of Tri-Galactic Trek Shorts!

Collie Commander: Chronicles of Tri-Galactic Trek is a pair of short stories about Commander Bill Wilker from the Starship Initiative.

Join him as he meets an amazing alien race, gets caught between two alien factions, and attends a wedding!

This is the second in the Chronicles series, after Labrador Lieutenant (September 2024).

Order today! Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.

New Short Story Collection!

Animal Voices, Unicorn Whispers is a new collection of 19 short stories featuring many different animals in many different adventures.

Follow the family of an otter inventor, discover a disappearing-reappearing city of squirrels, watch a mad mouse scientist swap minds with an owl — and so much more!

Order today! Kindle, Smashwords, Apple Books, and more!

New Pair of Tri-Galactic Trek Shorts!

Labrador Lieutenant: Chronicles of Tri-Galactic Trek is a pair of short stories about Lt. Natalie Vonn, a security officer about the starship Initiative.

This short book is a perfect addendum to Tri-Galactic Trek, continuing the adventures through the eyes of a Labrador Lieutenant.

Read it today! Kindle, Smashwords, and more!

Cover of the book "Paw Prints Beyond the Moon" by Mary E. Lowd

New in July 2024!

Paw Prints Beyond the Moon is a collection of short stories, all related to the Otters In Space universe in one way or another.

Order the ebook from Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.

New in May 2024!

Voyage of the Wanderlust was just released on May 1, 2024. This is the third book set in the Tri-Galactic Trek universe. Order today! Paperback, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!