You’re Cordially Invited to Crossroads Station
When an unexpected wedding invitation arrives, Anno packs her family up for a trip across the stars.
There’s a lot of fun, touristy things to do on Crossroads Station, including spacewalks, cloud surfing on New Jupiter, and enjoying the cosmopolitan atmosphere of a place that’s home to many dozens of different species of alien. But there’s also a reckoning to be had with her larger family, who Anno hasn’t seen in eight years. She was born and raised in the cult of Xeno-Nativity, and most of her dozen siblings — each of a different species — are still enmeshed in the myrmecoidal matrons’ talons. Can they forgive her for leaving them behind? And can she save them from staying trapped there forever?
This is a story about crossing star systems to be with the ones you love, the complexity of family, and the power of reconnecting with the best parts of your past, while fighting to leave the worst parts behind.
Paperback available from Amazon.
Ebook available from Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble, and other ebook retailers.
Auto-narrated audiobook available from Apple Books.
By Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (July 2023).