Otters In Space
A 2010 Ursa Major Award nominee for Best Anthropomorphic Novel.
Humans have left the Earth, and dogs rule. Kipper is an oppressed tabby cat who dreams of a better place where cats are free to run their own lives. When Kipper discovers a secret that might lead her to such a paradise, along with the secret comes trouble— first, Kipper’s sister disappears, and, then, she’s attacked by a dog goon herself. Kipper’s escape takes her on a mad dash to Ecuador and the space elevator, where she catches a ride up to the otter-designed space station. Once in “otter space,” Kipper must navigate an uncomfortably watery world to find out what happened to her sister and whether there really is a cat paradise.
Paperback available from Amazon.
Ebook available from Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.
By Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (August, 2010).

Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly
A 2013 Ursa Major Award nominee for Best Anthropomorphic Novel
Spies! Jet packs! And a water-phobic feline surrounded by otters! IN SPACE!
On her way back to Earth, Kipper the tabby cat finds her plans derailed when hostile vessels attack friendly otter ships orbiting Jupiter. The Jolly Barracuda flies to the rescue, dragging the hapless tabby even farther from home and embroiling her deep inthe beginnings of an interplanetary war.
Meanwhile, political turmoil on Earth forces Trudith, the dog goon turned bodyguard, into a serious moral quandary — how far will she go to protect her alpha cat? Soon every cat and dog on Earth is wondering, will a cat be the next president and will Kipper make it home?
Paperback available from Amazon.
Ebook available from Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.
By Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (July 2013).

Otters In Space 3: Octopus Ascending
Intrigue, adventure, and octopi await!
On the eve of war between Earth and Jupiter, one brave tabby cat embarks on a journey that will rock the foundation of her world as she travels between the depths of the sea and the depths of space. While Kipper seeks an audience with the octopus oligarchy, her sister Petra struggles against tyrannies and conspiracies among the dog and cat government of the Uplifted States. Meanwhile, across the solar system, the otter Jenny leads her team of pirates and scientists as they try to uncover the secrets of the ancient, abandoned Europa base.
Can the creatures of Earth, working together, stop the Jovian fleet in time?
Paperback available from Amazon.
Ebook available from Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.
By Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (July 2017).

Otters In Space 4: First Moustronaut
When two relative giants – a cat and an otter – attend Yvette’s gymnastics competition, they’ve come to recruit the mouse for their new space program. Yvette can hardly refuse and joins an interspecies team (including cats, dogs, octopi, an otter, a raptor, and a squirrel) building an interstellar spaceship using ancient octopus technology.
The political tides turn, and the crew of The Lucky Boomerang must decide – will they sacrifice everything to become the first of their species to travel beyond the boundaries of their solar system? Or will the fanatically religious dogs of the Uplifted States take their spaceship away before it can get off the ground?
Paperback available from Amazon.
Ebook available from Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.
By Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (December 2023).

Jove Deadly’s Lunar Detective Agency
Jove Deadly is a bloodhound with a rundown detective agency on the moon, but a new case has Jove thinking he only has a nose for trouble. When a poodle saunters into Jove’s office and hires him to find her missing fiancé, he doesn’t expect the missing dog to be his own ne’er-do-well brother, Aries Deadly!
Another day, another mystery. But whenever the Deadly family gets together, there’s bound to be trouble. Jove and his otter sidekick, Roen, have to work together with Tara Deadly to investigate a stable of unsavory and would-be pillars of the scientific community to track down a bit of First Race technology—and their own payday.
Will Jove and Roen be able to reunite the lost lovers? Can Jove stand working with his far more successful sister? As long as the money’s good, Jove Deadly can make it work.
This double-story book contains two exciting, DEADLY mysteries that will take you from an amusement park on the moon to a chase across Earth!
Don’t miss out, and maybe bring along some rawhide chews to share with the detective.
Paperback and ebook available soon!
By Garrett Marco and Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (March 2019).

In a Dog’s World
Katasha Blake is a cat surrounded by cats. She loves her littermates, but she’s tired of having them in every part of her life. She wants to go to Isleywood College, a prestigious school where most of the students are dogs.
Then Katasha meets Howell, a handsome upperclassman and a dog. What will her family think? Is Howell even interested in a high school cat? All Katasha knows is, she can’t wait to leave for college.
Paperback available from Amazon.
Ebook available from Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.
By Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (July 2015).

When a Cat Loves a Dog
Dogs snicker and cats flatten their ears as Lashonda and Topher walk down the aisle, but the outside world can’t change their love.
When a feline scientist and canine comedian start their life together in Old York, the judgement of their friends and family is only the first hurdle they have to face. As Lashonda continues her research and Topher climbs the ladder of fame, their quest for happiness takes them to the otter seastead of Friedan Isle where Dr. Flockhart, a rogue scientist, operates outside the laws of the mainland and promises to make their dreams come true.
If Dr. Flockhart succeeds, the nature of their society may be changed forever.
Paperback available from Amazon.
Ebook available from Amazon (Kindle), Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.
By Mary E. Lowd. Published by Deep Sky Anchor Press (May 2020).